Our Services

Dental Exams

At every checkup visit, your medical and dental histories are carefully reviewed and a comprehensive examination of your mouth, jaws, and surrounding areas of the head and neck is performed. Radiographs are performed as needed based on your individual circumstances in order to maintain your dental and overall health. Diagnoses are made and treatment plans are formed based on the doctor’s diagnosis with input from the patient and their holistic needs.


Preventative care is the best way to stop problems before they start. The American Dental Association recommends you see your dental provider twice a year for a comprehensive exam and cleaning. Those people with more complex periodontal disease may require more frequent cleanings in order to maintain health.

Fillings, Crowns and Bridges

Fillings, sometimes referred to as bonding or composite, are replacing part of one’s natural tooth structure with a restorative material. In today’s modern dentistry, fillings are generally tooth-colored rather than the silver material that was prevalent in the past. Fillings may be recommended to correct broken or chipped teeth, decayed teeth or aesthetic concerns. Crowns may be recommended for teeth with larger or more complex problems to provide long term, durable solutions.

Implant Restorations

Implants have become more common solutions to missing or non-restorable teeth. Some implants replace a single tooth, some replace several teeth in a bridge, and some anchor full mouth dentures into the jaw. The surgical placement of the implant is done by one of our trusted local surgeons, and we work with those surgeons to complete the final restoration.

Teeth Whitening

With age and due to lifestyle-related habits, our teeth are prone to discoloration and staining. We can help you regain your bright white teeth with our professional teeth whitening solutions. Zoom! Whitening uses an LED light to help you safely reach a brighter, whiter smile in less time. The complete treatment takes just one office visit.

TMJ Disorder

Dr. Richard Weiler has been treating TMJ disorder for more than four decades, and has become one of the most trusted practitioners in Massachusetts in this discipline.

TMJ disorder can manifest in many ways including jaw pain, but also limited opening of the mouth, ringing int he ears, vertigo, and more. Proper diagnosis of the causes of the problem is critical to successful treatment. This diagnosis is made after a specific history is taken, and an examination of the jaws, teeth, neck, posture and functional movements is completed. In many instances plaster casts of the teeth and specific TMJ x-rays are required.

Tooth Extractions

While it's our goal to do everything to save your natural tooth, in the end, removing a potentially harmful tooth can spare you time, money and discomfort. Many factors can contribute to this – extensive trauma, decay, gum disease, badly broken teeth or baby teeth that won’t fall out. Before your procedure, we will walk you through the procedure, and anesthetize the tooth that is to be removed. Once a tooth has been removed, neighboring teeth may shift, causing problems with chewing or with your jaw joint function. To avoid these complications, your dentist may recommend that you replace the extracted tooth.

And More!

Dentistry is a wide and varied field, which means this list is not comprehensive. If you have a particular dental concern, the best way to determine if we can help you, is to make an appointment!